  • In Common

  • Online article series

As a follow-up to the exhibition common, community-driven architecture, arc en rêve is presenting a new series of online articles in collaboration with e-flux Architecture, UIC College of Architecture, Design and the Arts and the Chicago Architecture Biennial. The In Common series, published in English on the e-flux Architecture page, brings together 10 contributions by architects, designers, researchers and teachers relating to the exhibition's themes. The articles present a number of initiatives, often led by architects, that short-circuit the conventional mechanisms for building our cities in order to develop spaces that are fairer and more equitable for all.

Transformation de 93 maisons à Mérignac-Beutre, Christophe Hutin Architecture, 2022
Transformation de 93 maisons à Mérignac-Beutre, Christophe Hutin Architecture, 2022 / © Fabien Cottoreau

avec des contributions de
Anna Nnenna Abengowe architecte et designer
Dele Adeyemo architecte et artiste
Ethel Baraona Pohl éditrice et critique d’architecture
Meriem Chabani architecte et enseignante
Jesko Fezer designer et enseignant
Elisa Iturbe architecte et enseignante & Stanley Cho architecte et enseignant
Ivonne Santoyo-Orozco architecte et enseignante
Huda Tayob architecte et enseignante
Mawena Yehouessi chercheuse et artiste
