arc en rêve is an architecture center founded in Bordeaux in 1981. Located in the Entrepôt, the independent institution presents exhibitions, awareness-raising workshops, lectures and publications on the themes of architecture, the city and, more generally, the built and natural environment. For 40 years, arc en rêve has been working to broaden the impact and perception of architecture in society, creating a field of knowledge that encompasses much more than the art of constructing buildings, planning neighborhoods and designing objects. arc en rêve is therefore a space for dialogue and critical questioning about the ways in which we inhabit and transform the world.


Exhibiting architecture, from distant to local

Since its foundation, arc en rêve has been documenting and exhibiting content and practices from elsewhere, monitoring and critically analyzing global architectural developments. The aim is to initiate fruitful and instructive interactions. The far-off is called upon to enrich the local architectural scene, opening up the field of possibilities to unprecedented experiences. In so doing, arc en rêve never misses an opportunity to include practices and themes of local interest in its programming.

Making Forum

arc en rêve is a public laboratory for debate and exchange. At a time when the Bordeaux greater area, like most of Europe's major cities, is pursuing its environmental transition, it is essential that the issues at stake be presented and debated, to enable citizens to question and interact with this essential evolution. arc en rêve is today one of those places where the city's future can be thought out and discussed. arc ne rêve debates strive to go beyond the mere presentation of cases, focusing on ideas and including the dimension of public criticism.

Introduction to architecture

arc en rêve carries in its genes the desire to introduce young people to architecture and the art of building cities. This mission was its founding act and remains one of its essential components to this day. arc en rêve's educational workshops focus on developing the tools needed to transmit architectural and environmental awareness. In this context, the discovery of architecture becomes an initiation to the plurality of actors and fields of application of constructive culture.


Publishing, and more broadly the transmission of knowledge, are essential components of arc en rêve. In addition to books, exhibition brochures and occasional collaborations with architecture publications, arc en rêve offers a digital platform structured like a journal. This complements and enhances a program of events, exhibitions and meetings.

  • public
  • ouverts tous les jours
    sauf lundi et jours fériés
    de 11:00 à 18:00

  • administration
  • du lundi au vendredi
    9:00-13:00, 14:00-19:00
    +33 (0)5 56 52 78 36

  • contact
  • +33 (0)5 56 52 78 36

opened every day
from 11am to 18pm
closed on monday and public holiday
7 rue Ferrère
33000 Bordeaux
institutional partners
privates partners