  • Nouvelles saisons

  • self-portraits of a territory

What would the portrait of the urban and suburban area inhabited by the 1,620,000 people who live in the Bordeaux metropolitan area and the Gironde region look like? How can the representations produced by institutional players, professionals and amateurs be put together? How can we make this contemporary landscape and its transformations legible, in an area subject to intense demographic growth?

Sabine Delcour, série Thank you for choosing us, 2024
Sabine Delcour, série Thank you for choosing us, 2024 / Sabine Delcour pour Bordeaux Métropole
HYPER, carte ITEM de Bordeaux Métropole
HYPER, carte ITEM de Bordeaux Métropole / © HYPER
Aida Lechugo, Traversée improbable
Aida Lechugo, Traversée improbable / © Aida Lechugo
Compagnie Architecture, groupe scolaire Frida-Kahlo, Bruges
Compagnie Architecture, groupe scolaire Frida-Kahlo, Bruges / © Ivan Mathie
TVK, Garonne Eiffel, Bordeaux
TVK, Garonne Eiffel, Bordeaux / © Julien Hourcade

The result of a call for contributions launched by arc en rêve in 2023, the Nouvelles saisons exhibition is an open platform designed to answer these questions and paint a portrait of the Gironde region through the practices that shape it on a daily basis. At once an atlas, a map and a primer, it is made up of stories, explorations and documents that provide an overview of this region, which is undergoing profound changes in both society and the environment. Bringing together over 40 contributions, the exhibition brings together photography, visual arts, architecture, installations, publishing, multimedia research, literature, family memories, videos and films. All of these elements are on display in the arc en rêve galleries, creating a participatory narrative and a forum for debate on the future of the area.

With contributions from:

2PM A, Le 308 Maison de l’Architecture en Nouvelle-Aquitaine, A6A, Arte Charpentier, Atelier Cambium, Atelier Provisoire, a’urba, Bakery Art Gallery, Bruit du Frigo, BUREAU, Susanne Bürner, CAPC Musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, CAUE de la Gironde, CDLT, collectif Cancan, collectif Encore et David Pradel, Compagnie architecture, Nicole Concordet, Sabine Delcour / Bordeaux Métropole, Dumont Legrand architectes, Edgar et Léo Valls, elua, Ensap Bordeaux, ENSP Arles, Éo toutes architectures, ERHÉ Architecture, Esnard Sanz, Fabre de Marien, La Fabrique de Bordeaux Métropole, Le Garage Moderne, Pol Gallo, Yves Gaté, Grau, André Guiraud, Marjan Hessamfar et Joe Vérons, Christophe Hutin Architecture, HYPER, Patric La Vau, Duncan Lewis / Scape Architecture, Littoral, Mark Lyon, Ivan Mathie et Anne-Sophie Delaveau, La Mauvaise Réputation, MBL et UR, Moonwalklocal, Musée d’Aquitaine, Myrha Morvan, La Nouvelle Agence, NP2F, Marguerite Pueyo architectes, Rachel Rouzaud, Annaëlle Terrade, Marina Tolstoukhine, TVK, Villa Valmont, Adrien Vuillermoz et Arthur Beigbeder

opened every day
from 11am to 18pm
closed on monday and public holiday
7 rue Ferrère
33000 Bordeaux
institutional partners
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